Banking Comparison: Standard Bank MyMo vs Discovery Gold – Fees, Benefits and More

In South Africa, digital banking solutions such as Standard Bank’s MyMo Account and Discovery’s Gold Account are gaining traction. These […]

In South Africa, digital banking solutions such as Standard Bank’s MyMo Account and Discovery’s Gold Account are gaining traction. These accounts provide innovative features and user-friendly interfaces, making them popular among tech-savvy consumers looking to optimize their savings strategies.

Account Overview

Standard Bank MyMo Account

  • Features: The MyMo Account offers affordable banking with a minimal monthly fee of R6.95. It includes unlimited card swipes, access to the banking app, discounts through Varsity Vibe for young users, free will drafting, and various transaction services.
  • Target Audience: Primarily aimed at young adults (16-25 years) and individuals seeking cost-effective banking solutions.
  • Purpose: Facilitates goal-based saving by offering various savings products, including flexible life and funeral plans, and PureSave accounts.

Discovery Gold Account

  • Features: The Gold Account has a bundled fee structure of R145 per month, which covers multiple transactions such as debit orders, EFT payments, and salary deposits. It also provides access to unlimited free savings accounts, real-time forex accounts, and integration with Vitality Money for lifestyle rewards.
  • Target Audience: Individuals earning less than R350,000 annually who seek a comprehensive transaction account with savings capabilities.
  • Purpose: Designed to offer flexible, affordable banking with added benefits of savings and rewards through the Vitality Money programme.

Key Features and Benefits

Interest Rates

  • Standard Bank MyMo: Offers interest on savings accounts like PureSave. The rates vary based on the specific product and balance maintained.
  • Discovery Gold: Provides up to 2.5% interest on positive balances in the transaction account and up to 7.25% on demand savings accounts, incentivizing higher savings.


  • Standard Bank MyMo: Allows easy deposits, withdrawals, and goal modifications through a user-friendly app and various banking channels.
  • Discovery Gold: Also highly flexible, with the added benefit of real-time forex management and multiple free savings accounts for different goals.

Additional Features

  • Standard Bank MyMo: Includes budgeting tools, access to financial advice, and special discounts for young users via Varsity Vibe.
  • Discovery Gold: Integrates with Vitality Money, offering lifestyle and travel rewards, flight savings, and a comprehensive suite of financial management tools.

Fees and Charges

Fee TypeStandard Bank MyMoDiscovery Gold
Monthly FeeR6.95R145
Card SwipesFreeIncluded in bundle
ATM WithdrawalsR9 per R1,000Included in bundle
EFT PaymentsR1.25Included in bundle
Debit OrdersR3.50Included in bundle
Savings AccountsFree (with conditions)Free (unlimited)


  • Cost-Effectiveness: The MyMo Account is more affordable with lower monthly fees, making it suitable for users seeking basic, low-cost banking. The Discovery Gold Account, while higher in monthly fees, offers a comprehensive bundle that may be more cost-effective for users with frequent transactions and those looking to earn higher interest on savings.

Digital Experience

User Interface and Experience

  • Standard Bank MyMo: The banking app is intuitive, facilitating easy account management, goal setting, and tracking. It also supports various payment methods, including SnapScan and Tap to Pay.
  • Discovery Gold: The digital platform is robust, providing seamless account opening, real-time forex management, and comprehensive financial tracking. The integration with Vitality Money enhances the user experience with additional rewards and benefits.

Customer Service and Support

Standard Bank MyMo

  • Quality: Generally well-regarded, with multiple channels for support including phone, email, and in-app chat.
  • Customer Reviews: Positive feedback highlights the ease of use and helpful customer service.

Discovery Gold

  • Quality: Offers prompt and accessible customer support through various channels. The integration with Vitality Money adds a layer of personalized financial advice.
  • Customer Reviews: High satisfaction rates, especially regarding the rewards program and digital platform efficiency.

Who is it Best For?

Standard Bank MyMo

  • Best For: Young adults, first-time savers, and those looking for a low-cost, basic banking solution with essential features and savings products.
  • Strengths: Affordable fees, youth-focused discounts, and easy-to-use digital tools.

Discovery Gold

  • Best For: Individuals seeking a comprehensive transaction account with robust savings options and integrated rewards. Ideal for those with higher transaction volumes and an interest in earning significant interest on savings.
  • Strengths: Comprehensive transaction bundle, high-interest savings, and valuable lifestyle rewards.


Both the Standard Bank MyMo Account and the Discovery Gold Account offer unique benefits tailored to different financial needs. The MyMo Account is an excellent choice for those seeking a low-cost, straightforward banking solution with essential savings features. In contrast, the Discovery Gold Account provides a more comprehensive package with higher savings potential and integrated rewards, making it suitable for individuals with higher transaction needs and a focus on maximizing savings. For South African consumers, the choice between these accounts will depend on their specific financial goals and transaction habits.