Standard Bank Launches SBEN25 Equity Index Linked Notes, Unlocking Access to Market Performance

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited has made a significant announcement today, as it introduces its latest financial instrument, […]

Standard Bank AGM
  • The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited lists SBEN25 Equity Index Linked Notes on JSE.
  • SBEN25 provides investors access to the performance of the SBEN25 Equity Index.
  • The notes offer physical settlement through the delivery of specified ETFs on the Maturity/Delivery Date.

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited has made a significant announcement today, as it introduces its latest financial instrument, the SBEN25 Equity Index Linked Notes, for listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). This offering presents investors with a unique opportunity to participate in the performance of the SBEN25 Equity Index, further diversifying their investment portfolios.

The SBEN25 Equity Index Linked Notes, sponsored by The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, have been granted listing approval by the JSE Limited under the bank’s well-established Structured Note Programme. The programme, initiated on January 26, 2021, facilitates investment exposure to specific indices or market segments through innovative structured products.

With an authorized program size of ZAR 120,000,000,000, the SBEN25 notes have already gained substantial traction in the market. The total notes issued, including the current issuance, amount to ZAR 81,454,553,081.61. Today, June 8, 2023, marks the official issue date of the notes, with a nominal value of ZAR 329,000,000.00.

Key dates and details related to the SBEN25 Equity Index Linked Notes are as follows:

  • Declaration Date: May 25, 2026 (subject to Preceding Business Day Convention)
  • Last Date to Trade: June 8, 2026 (subject to Preceding Business Day Convention)
  • Suspension Date: June 9, 2026
  • Record Date: June 11, 2026
  • Maturity/Delivery Date: June 20, 2026 (subject to adjustments as detailed in the Pricing Supplement)
  • De-Listing Date: June 22, 2026
  • Business Day Convention: Preceding Business Day

The SBEN25 notes offer physical settlement through the delivery of specified Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) to note holders on the designated Maturity/Delivery Date.