9 Days to the Polls: Rateweb’s Election Projections Reveal Surprising Trends

As South Africa gears up for the 2024 national elections, the political scene is buzzing with activity and unexpected developments. […]

Election Polls South Africa

As South Africa gears up for the 2024 national elections, the political scene is buzzing with activity and unexpected developments. With just nine days to go, Rateweb’s latest poll provides insights into the current political sentiment among South Africans. This poll was open to all visitors of the Rateweb website, ensuring a wide range of opinions from different demographics. Here are the findings, presented in percentages for clarity:

  • African National Congress (ANC): 43.4%
  • Democratic Alliance (DA): 35.8%
  • Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF): 9.4%
  • ActionSA: 3.8%
  • uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP): 15.1%
  • Others: 5.7%

Breakdown of “Others” Category:

  • Freedom Front Plus: 1.9%
  • Patriotic Alliance: 3.8%
  • Rise Mzansi: 3.8%
  • United Democratic Movement (UDM): 1.9%

In-Depth Analysis

African National Congress (ANC)

The ANC remains the leading party, holding 43.4% of the votes. Despite significant challenges, including corruption scandals and internal divisions, the ANC continues to maintain a solid base. The party’s decline in support is evident, especially given its performance in the 2021 local elections where it received less than 50% of the vote for the first time since the end of apartheidโ€‹ (Home | ISS Africa)โ€‹โ€‹ (Al Jazeera)โ€‹.

Democratic Alliance (DA)

The DA follows with 35.8% of the votes. It positions itself as the primary opposition, capitalizing on its reputation for effective governance in the Western Cape and other regions it controls. The DA’s focus on clean governance and efficient service delivery resonates with many votersโ€‹ (Gauteng)โ€‹โ€‹ (Home | ISS Africa)โ€‹.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

With 9.4% of the votes, the EFF continues to attract support from young, economically marginalized voters. The party’s radical stance on land reform and nationalization remains central to its appealโ€‹ (Gauteng)โ€‹โ€‹ (Al Jazeera)โ€‹.

uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP)

The newly formed MKP, led by former President Jacob Zuma, has made a significant impact with 15.1% of the votes. Zuma’s endorsement has energized the party, especially in KwaZulu-Natal. The MKP’s platform focuses on socio-economic justice, constitutional reforms, and addressing corruption. Despite controversies surrounding Zuma, his charisma and appeal among certain voter segments, particularly the Zulu community, have bolstered the MKP’s supportโ€‹ (Al Jazeera)โ€‹โ€‹ (Encyclopedia Britannica)โ€‹โ€‹ (The Star)โ€‹.


ActionSA, led by Herman Mashaba, has garnered 3.8% of the votes. The party’s focus on anti-corruption measures and efficient service delivery has attracted voters disillusioned with the traditional political landscape. ActionSA aims to offer a fresh alternative to the established partiesโ€‹ (Ipsos)โ€‹โ€‹ (Gauteng)โ€‹.

Trends and Key Factors

The 2024 elections are marked by significant voter discontent and shifting political alliances. A substantial portion of the electorate feels that no political party fully represents their views, indicating potential volatility in the final results. The emergence of the MKP and ActionSA highlights the growing desire for alternatives to the ANC and DA. Voter turnout, especially among the youth and the “born-free” generation, will be crucial in determining the election outcomeโ€‹ (Ipsos)โ€‹โ€‹ (Social Research Foundation)โ€‹โ€‹ (Daily Maverick)โ€‹.


Rateweb’s latest poll provides a glimpse into the dynamic political landscape of South Africa. While the ANC remains the leading party, the rise of the MKP and ActionSA, along with strong performances by the DA and EFF, suggests a highly competitive election. The potential for coalition governments and the influence of smaller parties add to the uncertainty of this pivotal election. As South Africa stands at a crossroads, these projections offer insight into the possible directions the country might take post-election.

Stay tuned for more updates and in-depth analyses as we approach the final countdown to Election Day. Every vote counts in shaping South Africa’s future.