Efora Energy Issues Trading Statement: Predicts Significant Loss for FY 2024

  • Financial Projections: Efora Energy expects a headline loss per share between 1.67 cents and 1.77 cents.
  • Compliance: Efora issued the trading statement under JSE rules, highlighting a significant financial decline.
  • Publication Date: The audited results for the year ended February 29, 2024, will be published on July 29, 2024.

Efora Energy Limited has issued a trading statement in compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements. The company anticipates a significant decline in its financial performance for the year ended February 29, 2024. This decline marks a stark contrast to the previous year’s performance.

Key Financial Projections

Efora Energy expects both headline loss per share and loss per share to be between 1.67 cents and 1.77 cents. This projection represents a significant decrease compared to the headline earnings per share and earnings per share of 0.51 cents reported for the year ended February 28, 2023.

Headline Loss Per Share

  • Expected range: 1.67 cents to 1.77 cents
  • Previous year: 0.51 cents (headline earnings)

Loss Per Share

  • Expected range: 1.67 cents to 1.77 cents
  • Previous year: 0.51 cents (earnings)
MetricFY 2024 (Projected)FY 2023 (Actual)
Headline Loss Per Share1.67 – 1.77 cents0.51 cents
Loss Per Share1.67 – 1.77 cents0.51 cents

Trading Statement Compliance

In accordance with paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, Efora Energy issued this trading statement. This rule mandates that a listed company must publish a trading statement when there is reasonable certainty that its financial results will differ by 20% or more from the previous corresponding period.

Implications for Investors

The expected loss per share and headline loss per share indicate a challenging financial year for Efora Energy. Investors should be aware of these projections as they reflect a significant downturn from the previous year’s earnings. This anticipated loss might affect investor confidence and could impact the company’s stock performance in the near term.

Previous Financial Performance

  • For the year ended February 28, 2023, Efora reported a headline earnings per share of 0.51 cents.
  • The earnings per share for the same period were also 0.51 cents.

Current Financial Projections

  • For the year ended February 29, 2024, Efora expects a headline loss per share between 1.67 cents and 1.77 cents.
  • The loss per share is projected to be in the same range, 1.67 cents to 1.77 cents.
Financial MetricFY 2024 (Projected)FY 2023 (Actual)
Headline Earnings Per Share0.51 cents0.51 cents
Earnings Per Share0.51 cents0.51 cents
Headline Loss Per Share1.67 – 1.77 cents
Loss Per Share1.67 – 1.77 cents

Expected Publication of Audited Results

The Group’s audited results for the year ended February 29, 2024, are expected to be published on or about July 29, 2024. This publication will provide a comprehensive view of Efora’s financial performance and confirm the projections stated in the trading statement.


Efora Energy Limited’s trading statement signals a challenging year ahead, with significant losses expected compared to the previous yearโ€™s earnings. Investors should prepare for the potential impact on the company’s stock performance and await the detailed audited results to be released on July 29, 2024. This period of financial downturn emphasizes the need for careful analysis and consideration by stakeholders and market participants.