Sibanye-Stillwater Updates on Cybersecurity Attack Impact

  • Cybersecurity Attack Impact: Sibanye-Stillwater faced a global IT systems attack, leading to temporary system outages and manual backups.
  • Operational Continuity: Despite the attack, core operations continued with minimal disruption, and the Columbus complex faced short-term delays.
  • Financial Reporting Delay: The cyberattack delayed the H1 2024 financial results announcement to September 12, 2024.

Sibanye-Stillwater Limited (JSE: SSW, NYSE: SBSW) recently faced a significant cybersecurity attack. The attack affected its global IT systems. The company has since taken steps to mitigate the impact and ensure operational continuity. This article delves into the details of the attack, its impact on operations, and the measures taken to address the issue.

Cybersecurity Attack Details

Initial Announcement

On July 11, 2024, Sibanye-Stillwater announced that its IT systems were under attack. The cybersecurity breach affected operations across multiple regions. The company swiftly initiated an investigation to assess the extent and nature of the attack.

Enhanced Security Measures

Following the attack, Sibanye-Stillwater enhanced its IT security protocols. A phased system start-up approach was implemented. This strategy ensured the protection of the company’s environment. It allowed mining and extraction operations to continue with minimal disruption.

Impact on Operations

Global Operations

Despite the cyberattack, core operations were largely unaffected. Temporary system outages did occur, leading to the use of manual backup processes. The company’s systems are now mostly restored.

Columbus Metallurgical Complex

The Columbus metallurgical complex in the US experienced short-term delays. IT outages affected smelting underground concentrate and recycling spent autocatalysts. However, operations are expected to resume fully soon, with stockpiles processed in due course.

Financial Reporting Delays

Delayed Results Announcement

The cyberattack has delayed the publication of Sibanye-Stillwater’s financial results for H1 2024. Originally scheduled for earlier release, the results announcement and presentation are rescheduled for September 12, 2024. The delay ensures accurate and comprehensive reporting.

CEO’s Statement

Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye-Stillwater, emphasized the company’s priority on employee safety. He noted the diligent efforts to remediate the attack’s effects and normalize operations. Froneman expressed gratitude to partners and advisors for their support.

Measures Taken

IT Security Enhancements

Sibanye-Stillwater implemented significant IT security enhancements. These measures aimed to prevent future attacks and secure current operations. The company’s phased system start-up approach was crucial in mitigating the attack’s impact.

Collaboration with Stakeholders

The company worked closely with customers and suppliers to address potential business interruptions. Continuous communication ensured transparency and maintained stakeholder confidence.


Sibanye-Stillwater’s prompt response to the cybersecurity attack highlights its resilience and commitment to operational integrity. Despite temporary disruptions, the company has largely restored its systems and continues to prioritize security and stakeholder transparency. The upcoming financial results will provide further insights into its performance and strategic direction.