How To Keep Up On Cryptocurrency News?

The Cryptocurrency market is fairly new to society. The first Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was launched in 2009. Till 2016, nobody knew […]

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The Cryptocurrency market is fairly new to society. The first Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was launched in 2009. Till 2016, nobody knew such a thing ever existed. The first time when Cryptocurrency was highlighted in the news was in 2017.

In 2017, Bitcoin reached its all-time high by touching $17,000. Individuals from the financial market were amazed how a non-existing currency could value that much. This is where the success of Cryptocurrencies started,

Fast forward to 2022. Today, the price of one Bitcoin is $32,000. And you will be surprised to know that this is only half what it was in November 2021.

Although the Cryptocurrency market is volatile, it holds massive potential. Experts from the financial field accept that it can be the financial solution that the world has been looking for the past century.

With new projects like Metaverse on the scene, people believe that we will finally be able to tap into the full potential of Cryptocurrencies.

This is a new domain that most people might find uncomfortable dealing with. But, at the same time, it is the future where our world has headed to. That being said, if you want to become a part of the new digital economy, you need to keep yourself updated with all the latest Crypto news.

We know that people new to the Cryptocurrency industry find it hard to get the latest information. Or by the time they get information, it has already been stale.

Thus, we are here with a few websites that help share current news and updates regarding the Cryptocurrency industry.

How To Keep Up On The Crypto News?

Whether you want to be part of the Cryptocurrency movement or not, it is always beneficial to know what is happening to the financial market. 

There are plenty of Crypto websites that share valuable information about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology. However, you need to ensure that you get the information from the most authentic source.

Here we have prepared a lot of websites that share credible information and help you keep up with whatโ€™s happening in the market.

1. CoinDesk

If you are new to the Crypto industry and are looking for information, the first result on your search page will probably be CoinDesk. CoinDesk is one of the earliest publishing houses that started publishing abou Cryptocurrencies.

CoinDesk has been in the market for almost a decade and has filled the readers with valuable and authentic Cryptocurrency information.

Whether you want to know what is happening in the market or the reason behind the current price fluctuation, chances are you will find all the answers on CoinDesk.

2. Immediate Edge

If you want expert help along with Crypto news, Immediate Edge is where you must be. It is a complete platform you will ever come across. They curate all the valuable information about Cryptocurrency and present them to their readers. 

Whatโ€™s more, if you are interested in investing but donโ€™t know where to start, Immediate edge can offer valuable assistance and help you learn the ropes of Crypto trading.

3. CCN

CCN is a dedicated news website that covers all the cryptocurrency movements. It is a Norway-based media company that soon rose to popularity because of its Crypto news and expert predictions.

In addition, you can also find valuable insight related to Blockchain and other vital information. You will also find information regarding ICO (Initial Coin Offering), market cap, DLT events, and much more. It’s like accessing the Crypto universe with just a single click.

4. CoinTelegraph

CoinTelegraph is the same as CCN. It is also a dedicated platform for Cryptocurrencies. However, the best part of this platform is that it covers not only the financial part of Cryptocurrencies but also the technology supporting them.

For instance, you will read a lot of smart contracts, NFTs, Blockchain, and other practical implementations of the technology. 

In addition, you can learn about the different events happening worldwide regarding Cryptocurrencies. However, there is one thing that we like the most; you can access the platform in your native language.

5. Bitcoin Magazine

As the name suggests, it is a magazine that solely talks about Bitcoin. However, their content is not limited to only Bitcoin. They offer the most diverse content out of all the platforms we have talked about here.

Bitcoin magazine shares information related to cryptocurrency and how it can be used in businesses. 

You will be surprised to know that the founder of this magazine is the creator of Ethereum. Naturally, this makes the platform more credible.


The Cryptocurrency industry is continuously evolving. If you are investing or thinking of investing in Cryptocurrency, you must be proactive to know what’s happening in the industry. 

If you want to understand the Cryptocurrency industry, there is a lot of information that you need to grab. You need to choose a reliable platform where experts share their knowledge and market predictions.

The above mentioned are some of the best platforms to get authentic and credible Cryptocurrency news.