Telkom Enhances Financial Transparency with Amended Medium Term Note Programme

  • Telkom SA SOC Limited has amended its Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, enhancing transparency and compliance.
  • The amendments include updates to definitions, introduction of an Information Statement, and alignment with regulatory requirements.
  • Investors benefit from increased clarity, comprehensive information, and strategic positioning for Telkom's sustainable growth.


Telkom SA SOC Limited has recently announced amendments to its Domestic Medium Term Note Programme Memorandum and Applicable Pricing Supplements. These changes are significant in shaping the company’s financial outlook and are worth exploring in detail.

Overview of Telkom SA

Telkom SA SOC Limited is a leading telecommunications provider in South Africa, offering a range of services including fixed-line telephony, mobile communications, and data services. The company plays a vital role in connecting businesses and individuals across the country, contributing significantly to the nation’s digital infrastructure.

Amendments and Restatements

Telkom’s recent amendments to its Domestic Medium Term Note Programme Memorandum and Applicable Pricing Supplements signify a strategic shift in its financial operations. The amendments aim to align the program with the JSE Debt Listings Requirements and enhance clarity for investors.

Key Changes in the Amended Programme

  1. Compliance Updates: The revised program now complies with all applicable provisions of the JSE Debt Listings Requirements, ensuring transparency and adherence to regulatory standards.
  2. Definitions and Terms: Various definitions and terms have been amended or expanded upon, providing a clearer understanding of the program’s terms and conditions for investors.
  3. Information Statement: A new Information Statement has been introduced, incorporating essential information about Telkom, investor considerations, risk factors, legal aspects, taxation, and corporate information.

Table: Summary of Changes

AspectChanges Made
ComplianceAligned with JSE Debt Listings Requirements
Definitions and TermsUpdated and expanded definitions
Information StatementIntroduced for comprehensive investor insight

Exemptions Granted

The Minister of Finance has granted Telkom exemptions from certain provisions of the Public Finance Management Act and other regulations until specific conditions are met or events occur. These exemptions are crucial for Telkom’s operational flexibility and strategic decision-making.

Impact on Investors

For investors, these amendments and restatements offer increased transparency, clarity, and a deeper understanding of Telkom’s financial operations. The Information Statement, in particular, provides valuable insights into the company’s background, risk factors, and regulatory environment.


Telkom SA’s amended and restated Domestic Medium Term Note Programme represents a significant step towards enhancing transparency, compliance, and investor confidence. The revisions align the program with regulatory standards, offer clarity on terms and conditions, and provide comprehensive information for investors to make informed decisions. As Telkom continues to evolve in the telecommunications sector, these financial initiatives position the company for sustainable growth and success.