Pick n Pay Stores Adapts to Financial Challenges with Strategic Recapitalization Plan

  • Pick n Pay's financial performance saw a 5.4% increase in turnover but an 87.4% decrease in trading profit.
  • Operational challenges, including load shedding costs and margin pressures, contributed to Pick n Pay's trading loss.
  • The company's strategic response involves a two-step recapitalization plan to reduce debt and unlock business value.

In the realm of South Africa’s retail landscape, Pick n Pay Stores Limited stands as a stalwart, navigating through the ebbs and flows of the market. As the company releases its audited annual financial results for the 52 weeks ended 25 February 2024, a comprehensive analysis reveals both challenges and strategies in play.

Financial Performance Overview

The financial indicators present a mixed bag. Group turnover saw a modest increase of 5.4%, reaching R112.3 billion compared to R106.6 billion in the previous year. However, the gross profit margin experienced a decline from 19.6% to 18.1%. This drop indicates potential challenges in maintaining profitability amidst market dynamics.

Financial IndicatorFY24FY23% Change
Group TurnoverR112.3 billionR106.6 billion5.4% increase
Gross Profit Margin18.1%19.6%1.5% decrease
Trading ProfitR385.0 millionR3 048.0 million87.4% decrease
Profit Before Tax & Capital Items-R1 423.6 millionR1 800.2 million179.1% decrease
(Loss) / Profit After Tax-R3 190.1 millionR1 169.9 million372.7% decrease

Root Causes of Financial Challenges

The substantial decline in trading profit, plunging by 87.4%, can be attributed to several key factors. One major contributor is the significant trading loss incurred by Pick n Pay’s business segment, which starkly contrasted with the previous year’s profits.

Impact of Operational Factors

The operational landscape played a crucial role in shaping Pick n Pay’s financial narrative. While Boxer, the soft-discounter segment, showcased robust growth with a 17.3% increase in total sales, Pick n Pay supermarkets faced challenges in gaining sales traction. This struggle, coupled with gross profit margin pressures and operational costs like load shedding, led to the reported trading loss.

Strategic Response and Outlook

In response to these challenges, Pick n Pay is embarking on a strategic plan aimed at revitalizing its supermarket and hypermarket segment. The focus lies on eliminating losses incurred by specific stores, improving operational efficiency, and fostering a customer-centric approach.

Two-Step Recapitalization Plan

A pivotal aspect of Pick n Pay’s strategy is the implementation of a two-step recapitalization plan. This plan involves a rights offer and the listing of Boxer business on the JSE Main Board. The objectives are clear: reduce debt, unlock Boxer’s value, and pave the way for sustainable growth.

Financial Forecast and Projections

Looking ahead, Pick n Pay anticipates improved financial performance over the next two years. This optimism stems from the execution of strategic initiatives, continued growth in profitable segments like Boxer and Pick n Pay Clothing, and a significant reduction in interest charges post-recapitalization.


Pick n Pay’s financial journey reflects the dynamic nature of the retail sector. While challenges exist, the company’s strategic foresight and proactive measures signal a commitment to long-term sustainability and profitability. As the market evolves, Pick n Pay’s resilience and adaptability position it well for future success.