Famous Brands Shows 8% Revenue Growth

In the dynamic landscape of the global business environment, Famous Brands Limited stands as a beacon of resilience and strategic […]

In the dynamic landscape of the global business environment, Famous Brands Limited stands as a beacon of resilience and strategic growth. The company’s recently released financial results for the year ended 29 February 2024 showcase both challenges faced and opportunities seized in an ever-evolving market.

Overview of Famous Brands Limited

Famous Brands Limited is a South African-based company with a rich portfolio spanning across three continents. Its business model encompasses four core pillars: Brands, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail. With 16 restaurant brands and a presence in 18 countries, Famous Brands operates over 2,900 restaurants, catering to a diverse consumer base.

Financial Performance Analysis

Despite facing economic headwinds such as political uncertainty, water shortages, and elevated food prices, Famous Brands managed to achieve a commendable 8% increase in revenue, reaching R8 billion. This growth underscores the company’s ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances. However, operating profit saw a 6% decline to R812 million, reflecting the impact of certain one-time factors like the Gourmet Burger Kitchen liquidation dividend received in the prior year.

A closer look at the financial metrics reveals a nuanced picture. Cash generated from operations grew by an impressive 13%, indicating operational efficiency and cash flow management. The net asset value per share also saw a notable 11% increase, reflecting positive underlying value creation within the business.

Operational Review: Brands, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail

The operational review provides insights into Famous Brands’ performance across its key business segments:

  1. Brands: The Brands segment saw a 5% increase in revenue, driven by growth in restaurant numbers and higher turnovers. Leading Brands’ revenue grew by 5.6%, while Signature Brands’ revenue improved by 2.3%.
  2. Manufacturing: Despite weaker demand and lower volumes, Manufacturing revenue increased by 9.4% to R3.3 billion. Operating profit, however, declined by 1.7% due to increased costs.
  3. Logistics: Logistics revenue grew by 6.7%, but operating profit declined to R94 million. The impact of increased operating costs and external factors like load shedding affected profitability.
  4. Retail: Retail division showed significant growth, with revenue increasing by 35% to R368 million and operating profit to R6.0 million. The division’s expansion and product innovation contributed to this success.

Strategic Initiatives and Outlook

Looking ahead, Famous Brands is focused on strategic initiatives to drive growth and enhance shareholder value. Key priorities include:

  1. Expanding Leading Brands: The company plans to roll out more restaurants in South Africa, SADC, and AME markets, focusing on drive-thru formats and consumer-facing technology.
  2. Optimizing Logistics and Manufacturing: Efforts will be made to optimize logistics operations and upgrade manufacturing facilities for improved efficiency and competitive advantage.
  3. Divestment from Non-Core Assets: Evaluating opportunities to divest from non-core assets to unlock value and streamline operations.


Famous Brands Limited’s financial performance in 2024 reflects a blend of resilience, strategic vision, and adaptability. Despite economic challenges, the company has shown growth in revenue and operational efficiency. Moving forward, its focus on expanding brands, optimizing operations, and strategic divestments positions Famous Brands for sustained success in the dynamic business landscape.