Momentum Golden Living Annuity Review 2024

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of financial stability, and many South Africans aspire to retire with a steady monthly […]

Momentum Golden Living Annuity

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of financial stability, and many South Africans aspire to retire with a steady monthly income. Understanding when and how to retire requires careful attention to detail, particularly when it comes to financial planning. The key to a comfortable retirement lies in early and consistent saving, but even if you start late, there are still options available to secure your financial future. One such option is the Momentum Golden Living Annuity.

What is the Momentum Golden Living Annuity?

The Momentum Golden Living Annuity is a retirement product that allows you to grow your savings while providing you with a regular income during retirement. Unlike traditional annuities, which may offer fixed payments, the Golden Living Annuity’s payouts depend on the performance of the investment portfolios in which your funds are invested. This means that while there is potential for higher returns, there is also a level of risk involved.

With the Golden Living Annuity, a portion of your retirement assets is deducted each month to provide you with a living income. The remaining balance is invested in your chosen portfolio, which can potentially earn more money over time. However, it’s important to note that there are no guarantees with this type of annuity, as your returns are directly tied to market performance.

Key Features and Benefits of the Momentum Golden Living Annuity

1. Flexible Income Levels

One of the key benefits of the Momentum Golden Living Annuity is the ability to choose your income level. You can select an income between 2.5% and 17.5% of your investment value annually, as long as there is money in your account. This flexibility allows you to tailor your income to your needs, with the option to adjust it once a year.

However, it’s important to choose your income level carefully. Withdrawing too much could deplete your investment faster than expected, while a more conservative withdrawal rate may help sustain your income over a longer period.

2. Tax Advantages

The Golden Living Annuity offers significant tax benefits. While you are not taxed on the growth of your investment, the income you receive is taxable as normal income. This setup can be advantageous for those in a lower tax bracket during retirement, potentially reducing the overall tax burden on your income.

Momentum also provides a tax certificate each year, which you can use when completing your tax return, ensuring that your tax obligations are met without unnecessary complications.

3. Protection from Creditors

Another important feature of the Golden Living Annuity is that your money is protected from creditors. This means that your investment remains safe and cannot be claimed by creditors in the event of financial difficulties, providing you with peace of mind during your retirement years.

4. Diverse Investment Options

Momentum offers a wide range of investment portfolios designed to meet various risk appetites and financial goals. These portfolios are built on the philosophy of outcome-based investing, aiming to beat inflation and deliver specific returns over a chosen period. By working with a financial adviser, you can select the portfolio that best aligns with your retirement objectives.

5. Market Growth Potential

One of the significant advantages of the Golden Living Annuity is its exposure to potential market growth. While the value of your annuity can fluctuate with market conditions, staying invested and focused on your long-term goals can enhance your chances of achieving a sustainable income during retirement.

6. Beneficiary Benefits

In the event of your passing, the remaining balance of your Golden Living Annuity will be distributed to your nominated beneficiaries. They have the option to take the full value of the investment after tax, transfer the investment into their name, or combine these options. This feature ensures that your legacy is preserved and can provide financial support to your loved ones.

Who Should Consider the Momentum Golden Living Annuity?

The Momentum Golden Living Annuity is not suitable for every investor. It is best suited for those who:

  • Are members of a retirement fund: The annuity is available to members of retirement funds that offer the Golden Living Annuity as an option.
  • Desire market exposure: If you want retirement income with exposure to investment opportunities, the Golden Living Annuity allows you to benefit from global investment markets.
  • Seek flexible income: Investors who want the flexibility to choose and adjust their income annually may find this annuity attractive.
  • Prefer pre-selected portfolios: The Golden Living Annuity offers a selection of pre-approved investment portfolios that are easy to understand, making it suitable for those who prefer a guided approach to investing.
  • Wish to protect their investment for beneficiaries: Those who want their remaining investment to be passed on to beneficiaries after their death will appreciate the annuity’s beneficiary benefits.
  • Have a minimum of R100,000 to invest: This annuity requires a minimum investment of R100,000, making it accessible to those with significant retirement savings.

Considerations and Risks

While the Momentum Golden Living Annuity offers numerous benefits, it is important to consider the associated risks:

  • Market Volatility: Since the annuity is tied to the performance of investment portfolios, your income may fluctuate with market conditions. Poor market performance could result in reduced income or even capital losses.
  • No Guarantees: Unlike fixed annuities, the Golden Living Annuity does not guarantee a stable income. Excessive withdrawals or poor investment performance could deplete your funds, potentially leaving you without income in later years.
  • Investment Management Fees: As with most investment products, there are fees associated with managing the funds in your annuity. These include investment management fees, administration fees, and adviser fees. It is essential to understand these costs and how they impact your overall returns.

The Role of Financial Advisers

Given the complexity of retirement planning and the risks involved with market-linked annuities, consulting with a financial adviser is crucial. A financial adviser can help you make informed decisions about your income levels, investment choices, and overall retirement strategy. Momentum provides access to qualified financial advisers who can assist you in optimizing your Golden Living Annuity to meet your specific needs.


The Momentum Golden Living Annuity offers a flexible and potentially rewarding way to manage your retirement income. With the ability to tailor your income, benefit from tax advantages, and protect your investment from creditors, this annuity is a valuable tool for those looking to secure their financial future during retirement. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and work closely with a financial adviser to ensure that the Golden Living Annuity aligns with your retirement goals.

By staying informed, regularly reviewing your investment, and making adjustments as needed, you can maximize the benefits of the Momentum Golden Living Annuity and enjoy a financially secure retirement.

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