Discovery Home Insurance Review 2024

The Discovery Home Insurance is a building insurance product that covers various types of structures. The policy is comprehensive and […]

Discovery Building Insurance

The Discovery Home Insurance is a building insurance product that covers various types of structures. The policy is comprehensive and provides coverage for a variety of incidents.

Buildings and some of their fixtures are covered by Discovery Home insurance for a variety of occurrences. However, coverage is determined by the plan chosen. There are 3 Discovery home insurance plans to choose from which include:

  • Essential Plan, 
  • Classic Plan, and 
  • Purple plan

The purple plan offers the most coverage for a home insurance policy as well as the most incident coverage.

Discovery Home Insurance is more effective when combined with Discovery Home Contents Insurance. Policyholders get the best value on their home insurance by combining these insurance products because their home contents are also covered.

We go over the plans in detail below to help you understand the different types of home insurance plans that Discovery Insure provides.

Discovery Building Insurance Products 

Discovery Insure offers three plans that one can choose from when looking for a building insurance cover. Plans available include the essential plan, classic plan, and purple plan. We discuss all the plans below. 

Essential Plan

Discovery Essential Home insurance plan is entry-level building insurance that has the lowest benefits of any plan at Discovery Insure. The plan offers low premiums and has low claimable amounts. However, the essential plan has a broad cover range and offers the same cover range as the classic plan and the purple plan with different coverage amounts.ย 

Discovery Essential Home insurance plan covers accidental damage to buildings. Should your property be damaged unintentionally by someone or something, Discovery Insure will repair or replace the damaged part of the house. Hazardous occurrences such as fire, lightning, or explosions are also covered by the Essential plan.ย 

 The plan also includes natural occurrences such as storms, rain, hail, snow, earthquakes, or floods. The impact of a power surge is covered by the plan.

Any damage caused to the building structure by bursting, leaking or overflowing geysers is also covered. Damage or loss caused by water or oil apparatus or pipes leaking, bursting, or overflowing is covered in the essential plan. Furthermore, subsidence and landslip that cause damage to the buildings that are covered. 

Should the following cause damage or loss of buildings, Discovery Insure will pay for the damage or loss caused to the buildings:

  • Vehicle collision, 
  • Destruction by animals, 
  • Aircraft and other aerial devices or anything that falls from them, 
  • falling of trees except in the event of a tree being cut by non-professional tree fellers, and
  • The collapse of television aerials, masts and satellite dishes to the building. 

Classic Plan

Discover Classic Home Insurance plan offers a moderate cover for buildings. The cover amount on the Classic cover is slightly higher than that of the Essential plan. Classic Plan is suitable for homeowners that have more valuable structures as it covers buildings for higher amounts as compared to the Essential plan.ย 

The Discovery Classic Home insurance plan covers the following :

  • Accidental damage to insured buildings, 
  • Destruction of a building caused by fire, lightning, and explosion, 
  • Natural occurrences that may damage the building which include storms, rain, wind, hail, earthquakes, and floods, 
  • Damages to the building caused by a power surge, 
  • Theft or attempted theft that results in the building being damaged, 
  • Malicious damage to buildings, 
  • Bursting, leaking, or overflowing of geysers, water, oil apparatus, or pipes, 
  • Subsidence and landslip that causes damage to buildings insured, and
  • Any destruction to buildings caused by the following :
    • Vehicles, 
    • Animals, 
    • Aircraft and things that may fall inside of them, 
    • Aerial devices and objects that may fall from them,
    • Falling trees, and
    • The collapse of aerials, masts, and satellite dishes. 

Purple Plan 

Discovery Purple Home Insurance plan offers the highest cover than any building insurance plan offered by Discovery Insure. The plan is meant for executives with expensive buildings to protect.ย 

The Discovery Purple Home insurance plan covers the following :

  • Accidental damage to insured buildings, 
  • Destruction on a building caused by fire, lightning, and explosion, 
  • Natural occurrences that may damage a building, these may include storms, rain, wind, hail, earthquakes, and floods, 
  • Damages to a building caused by a power surge, 
  • Theft or attempted theft that results in the building being damaged, 
  • Malicious damage to buildings, 
  • Bursting, leaking, or overflowing of geysers, water, oil apparatus, or pipes, 
  • Subsidence and landslip that causes damage to buildings insured, and
  • Any destruction to buildings caused by the following :
    • Vehicles, 
    • Animals, 
    • Aircraft and things that may fall inside of them, 
    • Aerial devices and objects that may fall from them,
    • Falling trees, and
    • The collapse of aerials, masts, and satellite dishes. 
  • Pipes and water heating systems wear and tear

Advantages of the Discovery Home Insurance

  • Different covers can be selected depending on the type of structure and value you want to insure.
  • There are different plans to choose from.
  • All plans cover destructions that are caused by limited flying objects.
  • Premiums on the Essential plan are low.
  • There are optional benefits that you can add to your building insurance plan. Option benefits come at a premium and include:
  • More than 60 consecutive days unoccupied cover, 
  • Comprehensive subsidence and landslip cover, and 
  • Pipes and water heating systems wear and tear

Disadvantages of the Discovery Home Insurance

  • Not all structures can be covered by the Discovery Home Insurance.
  • Premiums on the Purple plan are high.


The Discovery Buildings Insurance offers a great way to insure your home. It doesn’t matter the size of the house since the insurer offers plans for small to very big houses. Plans on the Discovery building insurance offer extensive cover including the entry-level plan which has coverage for many incidents. 

There is more to benefit than to lose with the Discovery building insurance solution. You can customize your plan based on your needs.