R 0.00001624

6.15% (24H)
  • Market Cap
    R 3,312,765,944.84
  • Volume
    R 153,702,296.64
  • ATH
    R 0.00002583

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Cheems Token Live Price Data in South African Rands | (Cheems Token in ZAR)

Cheems Token current price is R 0.00001624 with a marketcap of R 3,312,765,944.84. Its price is 6.15% up in last 24 hours. If you would like to know where to buy Cheems Token, the leading cryptocurrencies exchange in South Africa for trading in Cryptocurrencies are VARL, Luno and Binance

Should I buy Cheems Token at R 0.00001624?

Considering the 6.15% up change over the last 24 hours, you may be wondering whether or not to buy Cheems Token. If you want to buy Cheems Token, it is important to first check the Fear and Greed Index below. If the index is on red that’s signaling a buying opportunity. When its on green that is signal to take profit or stay away.

What is the project about?“Cheems” is the lord of memes, a small, pitiful, helpless Shiba Inu.We pay respect to everyone who love Cheems, who has undergone various market dumps, project rugs and collapses in crypto market.Cheems is here for y’all, whether you have lost your house, risked your health, or got fucked by Doge, come to Cheems and gather a crowd, together, we can generate more wealth.What makes your project unique?Cheems ain’t about pump and dump, Cheems is purely here to remind you people who is the Lord of Memes.$Cheems will give up the permission to control the contract, have no tax income, no team reserves, absolutely no sources of income in anyway, 100% dedicated to the market.History of your project.NoWhat’s next for your project?keep meme and keep building on BNB ChainWhat can your token be used for?swap, invest, and any ecosystem project

No technical data available for this coin

Fear and Greed Index

The crypto market behavior is emotional. People tend to get greedy when the market is rising which results in FOMO (Fear of missing out). Also, people often sell their coins in irrational reaction of seeing red numbers. The Fear and Greed Index, tries to save you from your own emotional overreactions. Using two simple assumptions:

  1. Extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That could be a buying opportunity.
  2. When Investors are getting too greedy, that means the market is due for a correction.

Therefore, alternative.me analyzes the current sentiment of the Bitcoin market and crunch the numbers into a simple meter from 0 to 100. Zero means “Extreme Fear”, while 100 means “Extreme Greed”. See below for further information on our data sources.

Latest Crypto Fear & Greed Index

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