Average Sales Manager Salary in South Africa 2024

In South Africa, the average sales manager salary is R31,670.00 per month. The monthly salary for a sales manager can [โ€ฆ]

average sales manager salary

In South Africa, the average sales manager salary is R31,670.00 per month. The monthly salary for a sales manager can reach upwards of R89,500. Those with more than 15 years of professional experience and a postgraduate degree make the most money in the field.

Bonuses and commissions can increase a sales managerโ€™s highest annual pay of R89,500.00. Bonuses and commissions may occasionally exceed the highest possible salary. Sales managers can therefore make millions of rands per year.

A sales managerโ€™s starting salary is typically R28,100.00. The sales managerโ€™s compensation is higher than the national average since it is 15% higher than the average salary in South Africa. The profession is undoubtedly one of the most financially rewarding given the additional benefits that the profession offers and how much that might increase oneโ€™s compensation.

We examine various degrees of experience in the field and the compensation associated with such levels of expertise. The level of experience a sales manager has in the field has a significant impact on their pay. Here are the salaries of sales managers in South Africa in 2024 based on the level of experience below. 

Average sales manager salary with 0-2 years of work experience in 2024 

A sales manager with 0 to 2 years of work experience earns an average monthly salary of R33,300.00. The pay range for this position, which is regarded as entry-level, is R18,200.00 to R35,000.00. R18,200.00 is the expected salary for those with only a bachelorโ€™s degree and no prior work experience.

The starting salary for a sales manager at the entry-level can be increased to R28,100.00 with a postgraduate degree in the relevant discipline. The average salary for sales managers with 1 year of experience is R243,000.00 a year. Those with 2 years of experience are the highest earners in this group and can earn up to R35,000.00.

Depending on the sector of the economy one works in, commissions may become the main source of income for a sales manager. The highest-paying industries for sales managers in terms of commissions are those in the software and automotive retail industries.

Average sales manager salary with 3โ€“5 years of work experience in 2024

A sales manager with 3 to 5 years of work experience makes, on average, R42,900.00 per month. Compared to the average salary of sales managers with 0 to 2 years of work experience, the salary represents a 29% rise.  The sales managers with the lowest salaries under this range are those with no postgraduate degrees and only three years of work experience.

A sales manager with 3 years of experience can expect to earn a monthly salary of at least R24,000. Sales managers with a postgraduate degree and 3 years of work experience can earn up to R43,900.00 each month. A sales manager with 5 years of experience can earn up to R50,000.00 per month.

Average sales manager salary with 6-10 years of work experience in 2024

A sales manager with 6 to 10 years of experience can expect to earn an average salary of R59,100 per month. This is a 38% raise above the average compensation of a sales manager with 3 to 5 years of experience. Experience and educational achievements are primarily the causes of the significant increase.

The lowest wage earners in this group are individuals with merely a bachelorโ€™s degree in the relevant subject and 6 years of job experience. The starting compensation for sales managers with a bachelorโ€™s degree and 6 years of experience is R41,000.00 per month. The maximum monthly income they are eligible for is R52,700.00.

Sales managers with 10 years of work experience and a postgraduate degree earn the highest salary in this category. The average salary for a sales manager with 10 years of work experience is R62,100.00 per month. 

Average sales manager salary with 11โ€“20 years of work experience in 2024 

A sales manager with 11 to 20 years of experience may expect to earn an average salary of R78,500 per month. The salary represents a 31% increase in salary for those with 6 to 10 years of work experience. The level of education needed for sales managers with 11 to 20 years of work experience is the reason for the high consistent increase in income for sales managers.

Sales managers with 11 to 15 years of work experience usually receive the highest salary rise. A sales manager with 11 to 15 years of experience can expect to earn an average income of R73,200.00. The increase accounts for 24% of the increase in salaries for those with 6 to 10 years of work experience. 

After 11 to 15 years of employment, the higher the level of experience, the lower the income increase. For instance, the average salary for a sales manager with 16 to 20 years of experience is R78,500.00. The salary for sales managers with 11 to 15 years of work experience has barely increased by 7%.

Highest paying cities in South Africa for sales managers

#CityAverage Salary 
1Nelspruit, MpumalangaR38,217.00
2Johannesburg, GautengR38,178.00
3Durban, KwaZulu-Natal R34,486.00
4Midrand, Gauteng R31,353.00
5Johannesburg North, Gauteng R30,513.00
6Pretoria, Gauteng R27,977.00
7Bloemfontein, Free State R27,943.00
8Cape Town, Western Cape R27,477.00


Sales managers have the ability to operate in teams and assemble a group of qualified sales representatives. They receive good pay for their work as sales managers, and commissions have the power to advance a sales managerโ€™s income. A sales manager can advance up the corporate ladder and earn more money by subsequently becoming a senior account manager or general sales manager.