Miriam Matoma

Miriam is a freelance writer, she covers economics and government news for Rateweb. You can contact her on: Email: miriam@rateweb.co.za Twitter: @MatomaMiriam

Divorce and Retirement Funds

Unveiling the Complex Dance of Divorce and Retirement Funds

  • Complex Legal Framework: Divorce and retirement funds in South Africa are governed by a complex interplay of laws, including the Pension Funds Act and the Divorce Act, alongside considerations of marital property regimes.
  • Dependence on Active Membership: Access to a member’s pension interest by a non-member spouse hinges on the active status of the member in their fund at the time of divorce, regardless of whether the benefits remain within the fund.
  • Marital Property Regimes and Tax Implications: The type of marital property regime, such as in community of property or out of community of property with or without accrual, determines the extent of the non-member spouse’s claim to pension interest. Additionally, tax considerations affect the distribution of pension interests, offering options such as cash lump sums or tax-free transfers to approved retirement funds.

Unveiling the Complex Dance of Divorce and Retirement Funds Read More »

grips of load shedding,

Eskom Extends Load Shedding Suspension Indefinitely, Relief Continues

  • Extended Suspension of Load Shedding: Eskom has announced the continuation of the suspension of load shedding until further notice, providing temporary relief to South Africa’s energy consumers following a 39-day hiatus.
  • Sustained Generation Capacity: Eskom attributes the extended suspension to sustained generation capacity, highlighting efforts in bolstering its generation fleet, rigorous maintenance schedules, and optimizing existing power plants for increased efficiency.
  • Sufficient Emergency Reserves: Critical to Eskom’s ability to stave off load shedding has been the maintenance of sufficient emergency reserves, serving as a buffer to navigate through periods of heightened strain on the grid without resorting to widespread power cuts.

Eskom Extends Load Shedding Suspension Indefinitely, Relief Continues Read More »

Rand Defies Political Turbulence,

Rand Defies Political Turbulence, Strengthens Amidst Economic Uncertainty

  • Rand Resilience Amid Political Uncertainty: Despite wavering support for the ruling ANC, recent polling indicates continued favor for the party, bolstering the rand’s stability amidst political turbulence.
  • Analysts Assert ANC Dominance: Economic experts emphasize the ANC’s enduring significance in South Africa’s political landscape, attributing the rand’s strength to the party’s historical legitimacy and grassroots support.
  • Global Factors Impact Rand: External influences, particularly oil prices surging to $88.70 per barrel, contribute to the rand’s performance, highlighting the currency’s vulnerability to international market dynamics and geopolitical tensions.

Rand Defies Political Turbulence, Strengthens Amidst Economic Uncertainty Read More »


Vodacom’s Battle Against Massive Theft and Vandalism Exposed

  • Vodacom, South Africa’s largest mobile network operator, faces a staggering annual loss of approximately R100 million due to rampant theft of mobile tower batteries and widespread infrastructure vandalism.
  • The surge in theft and vandalism, exacerbated by frequent load shedding in South Africa, poses a significant challenge to Vodacom’s operations, compromising the integrity of its infrastructure and hindering service delivery to millions of customers.
  • Despite efforts to combat theft and vandalism through proactive security measures and community engagement initiatives, the battle remains ongoing, highlighting the urgent need for collaborative action from government agencies, law enforcement authorities, and telecommunications companies to address the root causes of the problem and safeguard critical infrastructure.

Vodacom’s Battle Against Massive Theft and Vandalism Exposed Read More »

MK Party

ConCourt to Decide: Zuma’s Fate on MK Party List

  • Constitutional Court’s Intervention: The article highlights the Constitutional Court’s decision to hear the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) urgent appeal regarding the inclusion of former President Jacob Zuma on the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party list.
  • Legal Battle and Implications: It discusses the contentious legal battle stemming from the Electoral Court’s ruling, which permitted Zuma to retain his candidacy despite facing corruption allegations. The decision’s implications for electoral integrity, accountability, and the rule of law are underscored.
  • Significance and Stakeholder Responses: The article emphasizes the significance of the case in shaping South Africa’s political landscape and upholding democratic principles. It also summarizes the diverse responses from stakeholders, reflecting the polarized nature of the debate surrounding Zuma’s candidacy.

ConCourt to Decide: Zuma’s Fate on MK Party List Read More »

rand volatility

Rand Volatility: Global Uncertainty and Election Jitters Impact Value

  • Global Economic Factors: The article highlights how global economic dynamics, particularly shifts in U.S. interest rate expectations, are driving the volatility of the South African rand. Factors such as weaker-than-expected U.S. GDP outcomes and persistent core inflation have led to market uncertainties, contributing to the rand’s depreciation.
  • Local Political Uncertainties: The impending 2024 National Elections in South Africa add to the rand’s instability, with divergent voter support levels and the possibility of a coalition government fueling market apprehensions. Polls indicate a lack of clear majority support for the ruling ANC party, alongside significant voter disillusionment with existing political options.
  • Outlook and Potential Post-Election Impact: Despite the current volatility, analysts suggest that a post-election scenario, especially one with an ANC majority or a coalition excluding the EFF, could provide an opportunity for the rand to strengthen. However, the article underscores the importance of monitoring global economic trends, particularly U.S. monetary policy decisions, in determining the rand’s future trajectory.

Rand Volatility: Global Uncertainty and Election Jitters Impact Value Read More »

Allan Gray Assures

Allan Gray Assures: South Africa’s 2024 Elections Won’t Deter Investors

  • Market Resilience: Allan Gray reassures investors that despite the anxiety surrounding South Africa’s 2024 elections, historical data shows that the market tends to survive during periods of volatility.

  • Long-Term Perspective: While short-term fluctuations may occur around the election, the long-term trajectory of the market is primarily driven by broader economic factors and company fundamentals.

  • Endurance and Reward: Investors who endure tough periods and maintain a longer-term view are often rewarded for their patience, although acknowledging potential risks and the possibility of enduring changes and reforms before eventual recovery.

Allan Gray Assures: South Africa’s 2024 Elections Won’t Deter Investors Read More »

distracted driving

Distracted Driving: Behind 80% of South Africa’s Car Crashes

  • Prevalence of Distracted Driving: Between 60% to 80% of car accidents in South Africa are attributed to driving while distracted (DWD), highlighting the pervasive nature of this dangerous behavior on the country’s roads.
  • Impact of Mobile Phone Usage: Texting while driving is identified as a significant risk factor, being six times more likely to cause a crash than driving under the influence of alcohol. Research indicates that even a single instance of mobile phone usage results in a substantial duration of distracted driving, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Mitigating Distractions: Measures to mitigate distractions include utilizing Bluetooth technology, pre-drive preparations such as setting destinations and playlists beforehand, and implementing safety precautions within the vehicle, such as ensuring proper restraint for children and pets. These proactive steps aim to minimize distractions and enhance road safety for all motorists.

Distracted Driving: Behind 80% of South Africa’s Car Crashes Read More »

Driver's Licence : local driver’s license

Drive Globally: South African Licenses Valid in 34 Countries

  • Global Driving Access: South African driver’s licenses are recognized in 34 countries worldwide, allowing travelers to navigate foreign roads without the need for additional permits or licenses in many cases.
  • Varied Agreement Terms: The agreements between South Africa and these countries differ in duration and requirements, with some nations offering unrestricted use of South African licenses while others impose time limits or necessitate an International Driving Permit (IDP) after a certain period.
  • Visa-Free Travel Synergy: Many of the countries that recognize South African driver’s licenses also offer visa-free entry to South African citizens, facilitating seamless travel experiences and encouraging cross-border tourism and business activities.

Drive Globally: South African Licenses Valid in 34 Countries Read More »

South African State Companies

South African State Companies Drain Billions with Negligible Returns

  • Government Investment Discrepancy: South African State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have absorbed a significant amount of government investments since 2019, totaling R282.5 billion, but have yielded only R1 million in dividends, highlighting a vast disparity between investment and return.
  • Eskom Dominance and Financial Strain: Eskom, receiving the largest portion of government funds at R234.6 billion, faces substantial financial strain exacerbated by outstanding municipal debt amounting to R74.5 billion, posing significant revenue challenges.
  • Call for Oversight and Accountability: The revelation of negligible returns on investments in SOEs underscores the urgent need for robust mechanisms of oversight and governance to prevent further financial hemorrhaging and ensure the responsible allocation of taxpayer funds.

South African State Companies Drain Billions with Negligible Returns Read More »