Cost of Living in South Africa 2024

When compared to other African countries, South Africa consistently ranks high in cost of living surveys. However, South Africa is […]

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When compared to other African countries, South Africa consistently ranks high in cost of living surveys. However, South Africa is also considered one of the most affordable emerging markets globally. But how expensive is living in the Rainbow Nation? If you’re a young working adult or an expat considering a job offer in South Africa, you might be wondering how much monthly spending is considered reasonable for someone in your age group.

The answer varies significantly depending on one’s lifestyle and values. For example, a person content with living with their parents at the age of 40 and rarely leaving the house will have a different cost of living than a socialite who believes in owning the latest BMW and a Sandton apartment to show they’ve “made it” in life.

In preparing this guide on South Africaโ€™s cost of living, we’ve chosen to provide a range of possibilities (from affordable to high-end) for a middle-class lifestyle. All costs are expressed in South African Rands (ZAR).

Housing Costs in South Africa

If you are moving to South Africa from another country or a local thinking of moving out of your parent’s home, your biggest expense will be housing, whether you are renting or buying a home.

  • Renting in South Africa: If you are single and looking to rent just a room in a shared apartment with a shared bathroom, expect to pay about R6,000 to R25,000 each month. If you prefer not to share, it costs about R9,000 to R35,000 to rent a studio apartment or two-bedroom unit.
  • Buying a home in South Africa: While purchasing a home, several hidden and not-so-hidden costs come into play. Here are some major expenses to prepare for:
    1. Bond registration and transfer costs: These are unavoidable. For instance, with a R1,200,000 bond for a freehold property, the bond registration cost estimate is R31,618 (incl. VAT) and the transfer cost estimate is R31,580 (incl. VAT).
    2. Moving costs: Depending on where youโ€™ve been living and how much furniture you own, hiring a moving company could cost between R5,000 and R15,000 within the same city.
    3. General repairs and maintenance: Set aside some cash for unforeseen expenses such as cleaning, repainting, and general repairs.
    4. Utilities: Registering for water, electricity, telephone, and internet connections can cost around R1,000 to R3,000.
    5. Rates and levies: For freehold properties, rates and taxes can range from a few hundred to a few thousand rands per month.
    6. Security: Budget for a monthly armed response fee and potential installation costs.
    7. Insurance: Homeownersโ€™ insurance is required to cover any structural damage, and itโ€™s wise to get additional insurance to cover theft.
    8. Furniture and electronics: Factor in costs for any vital items to make your home comfortable.

Transport Costs in South Africa

Your monthly transportation costs will vary depending on how far you need to travel each day and your mode of transport.

  • Buying a Car: Purchasing a car in South Africa can be affordable. A good second-hand vehicle can cost between R50,000 and R200,000. On average, petrol is R17.13 per liter and diesel is R19.32 per liter.
  • Commuting: If you donโ€™t want to buy a car, you have several commuting options like Uber, Bolt, or InDrive, costing around R10+ per kilometer.

Daily Expenses

Your daily expenses will also vary based on your lifestyle. Here are some average costs:

  • Groceries: If you cook at home every day, you will probably spend at least R2,000 a month on groceries.
  • Coffee: A coffee at a local mall costs around R15, while at a CBD mall or a chain like Starbucks, it can cost between R25 and R40.
  • Food: A meal at a suburban restaurant can cost as little as R50 to R70 (excluding drinks). Dining at a mid-range restaurant may cost between R150 and R300.
  • Mobile data: Budget around R300 a month for a basic SIM-only plan.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the cost of living in South Africa, helping you budget effectively whether you’re planning to move or already living here.

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