Life Insurance Comparison: OUTsurance Life Insurance vs. Momentum Life Insurance

OUTsurance and Momentum are both well-established insurers in South Africa, known for their strong reputations and customer-centric approaches. OUTsurance offers […]

OUTsurance and Momentum are both well-established insurers in South Africa, known for their strong reputations and customer-centric approaches. OUTsurance offers a variety of coverage options, including death cover, disability cover, and critical illness cover, with optional benefits such as education and funeral cover. Momentum, on the other hand, focuses on providing financial security with life cover that includes significant discounts through their LifeReturnsยฎ program, which personalizes premiums based on health risk factors.

Both insurers have designed their policies to provide comprehensive protection, but there are differences in coverage options, premium structures, and benefits that may influence your choice.

Table: Comparison of OUTsurance Life Insurance vs. Momentum Life Insurance

FeaturesOUTsurance Life InsuranceMomentum Life Insurance
Coverage OptionsDeath Cover (Accidental and Comprehensive), Disability Cover, Critical Illness CoverLife Cover (R100,000 to R5 million)
Optional BenefitsEducation Benefit, Funeral CoverNone specified
Critical Illness CoverCore (27 illnesses), Comprehensive (40 illnesses)Included within Life Cover
Premium StructureLevel or Increasing PremiumsPersonalized Premium Discounts (up to 35%) with LifeReturnsยฎ
ExclusionsSuicide (first 24 months), Intentional self-inflicted injury, Driving under influence, Drug use, Criminal activityNone explicitly mentioned but general exclusions may apply
Claims Paid (2022)Not specifiedR6.18 billion (Total Claims), R4.7 billion (Mortality)
Claim Approval RateNot specified92.98%
Additional FeaturesOUTbonus (cash refund of premiums for claim-free customers)LifeReturnsยฎ program for premium discounts
Payouts for Critical IllnessPercentage of sum assured based on illnessIncluded in general claims statistics

Benefits of OUTsurance Life Insurance

  • Comprehensive Coverage: OUTsurance offers a wide range of coverage options, including death cover, disability cover, and critical illness cover. This ensures that you can tailor your policy to your specific needs.
  • Optional Benefits: Policyholders can enhance their coverage with optional benefits such as the Education Benefit and Funeral Cover, providing additional financial security for their loved ones.
  • OUTbonus: A unique feature of OUTsurance, OUTbonus offers a cash refund of premiums to loyal customers who remain claim-free, adding value to the policy.
  • Flexible Premiums: OUTsurance allows you to choose between level or increasing premiums, giving you control over how your policy evolves over time.

Benefits of Momentum Life Insurance

  • Personalized Premiums with LifeReturnsยฎ: Momentum uses advanced technology to assess health risk factors and offers up to 35% in premium discounts, making it cost-effective for those who maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • High Claim Approval Rate: Momentum’s claim approval rate of 92.98% demonstrates their commitment to paying out valid claims, providing peace of mind to policyholders.
  • Comprehensive Financial Security: Momentumโ€™s Life Cover is designed to help settle significant debts, provide for childrenโ€™s education, and cover living expenses, ensuring your loved ones are financially secure.
  • Strong Reputation: With R6.18 billion paid out in claims in 2022, Momentum has a proven track record of fulfilling its promises to policyholders.

Requirements for OUTsurance Life Insurance

  • Age Limit: Must meet the insurer’s age criteria for specific cover types.
  • Medical Underwriting: Full disclosure of medical history is required, and a medical examination may be necessary depending on the sum assured and type of coverage selected.
  • Payment of Premiums: Timely payment of premiums is required to keep the policy active.
  • Honesty in Disclosure: Accurate information must be provided during the application process to avoid future claims being denied due to non-disclosure or misrepresentation.

Requirements for Momentum Life Insurance

  • Age Limit: Typically requires the policyholder to be within a certain age range at the time of policy issuance.
  • Health Assessment: A health assessment may be necessary, especially to determine eligibility for LifeReturnsยฎ premium discounts.
  • Payment of Premiums: Regular payment of premiums is necessary to maintain coverage.
  • Honesty in Disclosure: Full and honest disclosure of health and lifestyle information is crucial for the validity of the policy.

Pros and Cons of OUTsurance Life Insurance


  • Comprehensive coverage options with flexible premium structures.
  • Optional benefits allow for customization of the policy.
  • OUTbonus rewards long-term, claim-free customers.
  • Offers a wide range of coverage for critical illness, disability, and death.


  • Complexity in choosing the right combination of coverages and benefits.
  • Certain exclusions, such as suicide within the first 24 months, may be restrictive.
  • Premiums may increase over time depending on the chosen structure.

Pros and Cons of Momentum Life Insurance


  • LifeReturnsยฎ program provides significant premium discounts for healthy lifestyles.
  • High claim approval rate ensures reliability in times of need.
  • Comprehensive life cover provides broad financial protection.
  • Strong reputation with a substantial amount of claims paid out annually.


  • Limited optional benefits compared to OUTsurance.
  • No detailed breakdown of exclusions available publicly.
  • May require a health assessment to qualify for premium discounts.

Who is Each Policy Suitable For?

OUTsurance Life Insurance: Ideal for individuals or families seeking comprehensive coverage with customizable options. Itโ€™s suitable for those who want flexibility in their premium structures and the ability to add optional benefits like education or funeral cover. The OUTbonus feature is attractive for those who anticipate being claim-free and want to receive some of their premiums back.

Momentum Life Insurance: Best suited for health-conscious individuals who can take advantage of the LifeReturnsยฎ program for reduced premiums. It’s also ideal for those looking for straightforward life cover with a strong emphasis on financial protection for loved ones. The high claim approval rate and the reputation of Momentum make it a reliable choice for policyholders who prioritize the security of knowing their claims will likely be honored.

Additional Comparison Indicators

  • Policy Management: OUTsurance offers the OUTbonus feature, which adds a customer loyalty component, rewarding those who remain claim-free. Momentum focuses on innovation through its LifeReturnsยฎ program, providing technologically-driven premium discounts.
  • Payout Flexibility: OUTsurance allows for accelerated or free-standing payouts in the event of disability or critical illness, whereas Momentum integrates these benefits within their general life cover, offering a more simplified approach.
  • Customer Experience: Momentumโ€™s high claim approval rate suggests a smooth claims process, which is a critical factor when choosing life insurance. OUTsurance’s focus on comprehensive coverage and customization might appeal to those who prefer to have more control over their policy specifics.


Both OUTsurance and Momentum offer compelling life insurance products tailored to meet the diverse needs of South Africans. OUTsurance excels in providing customizable options with the added benefit of the OUTbonus, rewarding loyal customers. Momentum, on the other hand, stands out with its LifeReturnsยฎ program, offering premium discounts and a strong claim approval rate that underscores its reliability.

Choosing between these two will depend on your specific needs. If you value flexibility and the ability to tailor your coverage, OUTsurance may be the better option. If you are health-conscious and looking for cost-effective premiums with a solid claims reputation, Momentum could be the right choice.