Oando PLC Delays 2023 Audited Financial Statements

Oando PLC has announced a delay in releasing its 2023 audited financial statements. The company cited the need for more […]

Oando PLC has announced a delay in releasing its 2023 audited financial statements. The company cited the need for more time to finalize the audit process. This delay impacts the expected filing date initially set for July 31, 2024.

Delay in 2023 Audited Financial Statements

Reasons for the Delay

Oando PLC attributes the delay to the extensive audit process required to finalize the 2023 financial statements. The company aims to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards.

Revised Timeline

Oando PLC has been granted an extension by the NGX. The company now expects to publish its 2023 audited financial statements by September 30, 2024. This will also include the Q1 and Q2 2024 management accounts.

Key DatesEvent
April 2024Publication of 2022 audited financial statements
May 2024Publication of Q1-Q4 2023 unaudited financials
August 31, 2024Expected finalization of 2023 audit
September 30, 2024Expected publication of 2023 AFS and Q1, Q2 2024

Compliance and Regulatory Process

Approval and Submission

After finalizing the audit, the 2023 financial statements will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Following this, the statements will be submitted to the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria for regulatory approval. Only after this approval will the statements be publicly released.

Impact on Shareholders

Oando PLC has apologized to its shareholders and the public for any inconvenience caused by this delay. The company assures that it is working diligently to meet the new deadlines.


Oando PLC is committed to transparency and compliance with financial reporting standards. The company will keep the market informed of any further updates regarding the delay in the publication of its 2023 audited financial statements.