PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity review 2023

The PSG wealth equity linked living annuity is a retirement option that pays an annual income ranging from 2.50% to […]

PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity

The PSG wealth equity linked living annuity is a retirement option that pays an annual income ranging from 2.50% to 17.50% of the investment value. To activate the account, a minimum contribution of R20,000.00 is required. Monthly contributions are not permitted with the PSG wealth equity linked living annuity.

A living annuity can only be funded by a pension fund, provident fund, preservation fund, or retirement annuity. This is done to ensure that retirees have a set income at the start of the program and can get set income that they receive on a consistent basis.

PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity funds can be invested in a variety of unit trusts, personal share portfolios, and life portfolios. These investment vehicles are available on the PSG wealth investment platform. Investors can switch between the underlying investment products at any time to take advantage of market inefficiencies.

Investing in a PSG living annuity has tax advantages. Interest earned, dividends paid, and capital gains earned from the investment’s underlying instruments are all tax-free. As a result, the investor will receive all returns, with no SARS deductions.

Oneย can adjust the annual income theyย want on the anniversary date of theย investment, but itย must exceed the set limits. There will be no adjustments to the income level that was selected in between. The income can be paid out monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Below we go through the PSG wealth equity linked living annuity in detail.

PSG Wealth Equity-Linked Living Annuity Overview

The PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity provides retirement income and may be critical to one’s financial security. Unlike a retirement annuity, which requires contributions prior to retirement, the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity requires a lump sum commitment from a pension fund, preservation fund, or retirement fund.

  Investors can take advantage of a number of benefits that the PSG living annuity comes with. Speaking with a PSG advisor and seeking a second opinion will help you make more informed investment decisions when investing in this product.

The PSG wealth equity linked living annuity is intended to help investors earn money in retirement, whether from a pension fund, a preservation fund, or a retirement annuity pay out. This money is invested in order to earn interest on an underlying asset. Investment vehicles include award-winning unit trusts and mutual funds.

It’s important to understand that investing in a PSG living annuity involves some risk. There is no guarantee that the capital investment will be profitable. As a result, the amount of money invested can fluctuate over time. Long-term investments, on the other hand, have demonstrated the ability to increase the principal invested.

The PSG living annuity provides retirees with a yearly income stream, allowing them to supplement their income. The product has its own set of tax implications and functions differently than other PSG savings and investing options. The PSG living annuity is explored in more depth further below.

How the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity work

By requesting a callback on the PSG website, you can apply for a PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity. An advisor will be in touch with you to go over the product and explain how it works. The advisor’s session is free, and you can talk about anything relating to the product.

To open an account, you must agree to the terms of service and make a minimum investment of R20,000.00. After that, the account will be activated, and the funds will be available to invest in underlying instruments. Underlying instruments are those under the PSG wealth investment platform. 

Retirement annuities, preservation funds, pension funds, and provident funds are the only savings that can be contributed to the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity. The account holder determines the number of withdrawals from the living annuity, which varies from 2.50 % to 17.50 %.

The withdrawals from the investment can be changed on the investment’s anniversary. There is no capital guarantees with the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity. This means that money invested may lose value, and PSG will not be liable for losses caused by the performance of an underlying instrument.

PSG wealth investment vehicles, on the other hand, are known to outperform the market, but they can also go the other way. It is critical to select the right number of withdrawals. This will prevent your investment from outliving you. Furthermore, the lower your withdrawal percentage, the higher the interest rate on your investment in a long run.

Advantages of the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity 

  • When making an investment, you have a variety of underlying instruments to pick from.
  • Depending on one’s needs, income can be withdrawn.
  • When making a withdrawal, you can select from a wide range of time intervals.
  • The application process is simple, and a qualified advisor can assist you.
  • The product allows you to boost the value of a current pension or provident fund payout.
  • The product has a low minimum deposit.

Disadvantages of the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity 

  • Market performance might cause money to be lost.
  • Regardless of the amount of money invested, growth is not assured.


For people who have recently received their pension or provident fund payout, the PSG wealth equity-linked living annuity is an excellent option. The product is designed to assist individuals in earning an income from their investment while also allowing the money to grow. Because there are so many instruments to pick from, one can find one that meets his or her financial appetite.