Eskom Implements Innovative Solution to Combat Rampant Copper Theft

  • Eskom's Costly Challenge: Eskom, South Africa's state-owned power utility, faces significant financial losses due to rampant theft of copper cables, amounting to billions annually.
  • Innovative Solutions: To combat the pervasive theft, Eskom announces a strategic shift away from copper cables, aiming to deter criminals and safeguard critical infrastructure.
  • Complexity and Collaboration: Despite efforts to fortify security and enact legislation, the illicit copper trade persists, fueled by corruption and sophisticated networks. Stakeholders emphasize the need for multifaceted approaches and collaborative efforts to address this multifaceted challenge.


In a bid to combat the rampant theft of copper cables plaguing its infrastructure, Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned power utility, has embarked on a transformative journey. The decision to phase out copper cables comes in response to the staggering financial toll incurred by the theft of these vital components, estimated to be between R5 billion and R7 billion annually, with an additional R2 billion spent on replacements.

A recent report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) sheds light on the magnitude of the issue, attributing the persistent theft to the high demand for copper, particularly among criminal syndicates. This demand spans various sectors, from electricity and communications to rail and vehicle production. The illicit trade in copper not only undermines public infrastructure but also poses significant economic challenges, with the Economic Sabotage of Critical Infrastructure Forum estimating the annual cost to the country at a staggering R46.5 billion.

According to Amanda Qithi, a spokesperson for Eskom in Gauteng, the utility is adopting proactive measures to address this longstanding challenge. “We are moving away from using copper because we have seen that it is quite in demand, so whenever we have any cable that has been stolen, we do not replace it with copper,” Qithi explained in an interview with the SABC. This strategic shift aims to reduce the allure of Eskom’s infrastructure to would-be thieves, thereby safeguarding critical assets and minimizing financial losses.

Despite efforts to fortify infrastructure and deploy advanced security measures such as vibration sensors, which alert control rooms to potential tampering, the persistence of copper theft underscores the complexity of the problem. The enactment of legislation such as the Criminal Matters Amendment Act in 2015, which imposes severe penalties on offenders, has failed to deter perpetrators significantly. According to the GI-TOC, the illicit copper trade is sustained by a network of organized crime syndicates and opportunistic thieves, facilitated in part by corruption within key sectors.

Jenni Irish-Qhobosheane, a researcher at GI-TOC, highlights the role of corruption in fueling the illicit copper trade, citing instances of collusion between syndicates and individuals with insider knowledge or influence. This collusion extends beyond mere theft to encompass the laundering and resale of stolen copper, both domestically and abroad. The clandestine nature of the illicit market, coupled with the absence of stringent regulatory controls, presents significant challenges for law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

While the legal copper market in South Africa is valued at approximately R10 billion annually, the true extent of the illicit trade remains elusive. Stolen copper is often melted down and repurposed, making it difficult to trace and recover. Moreover, the export of illicit copper, facilitated by lax export controls and the obliteration of identifying marks, further exacerbates the challenge of curbing this illicit activity.

In response to these complexities, stakeholders must adopt a multifaceted approach that combines regulatory reforms, enhanced security measures, and targeted law enforcement efforts. Collaboration between government agencies, law enforcement authorities, private sector entities, and civil society organizations is paramount to disrupt illicit networks, dismantle criminal syndicates, and safeguard critical infrastructure.

As Eskom forges ahead with its transition away from copper, it signals a broader commitment to innovation and resilience in the face of evolving threats. By leveraging technology, fostering partnerships, and advocating for systemic change, Eskom and its partners aim to mitigate the impact of copper theft on South Africa’s infrastructure and economy.

For more detailed insights into South Africa’s illicit copper economy, refer to the comprehensive report published by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime [here](insert link).

This article was crafted based on a press release by Eskom and supplemented with insights from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and other relevant sources.